
3D Steering and Collision Avoidance


    Unity3D Mac/PC Standalone


    Experiment in 3D flight, procedurally generated content, and complex steering AI with lots of independent actors.


  • Procedurally generated terrain using a diamond-square algorithm.
  • Used steering forces to direct character motion.
  • Shown behaviors are: 3d wandering, 3d unaligned collision avoidance, following, 3d obstacle avoidance, dynamic terrain avoidance, simple orbiting.
  • Implemented prioritized Monte Carlo logic for behavior decisions.
  • Coded live camera that rotates with mouse input.
  • Utilized octrees and vector math to make behaviors more efficient.


  • Small triangular spaceships — 3D wanderers
  • Large double-thruster ships — Orbits about the box’s central z-axis, with some y variation
  • Circular platforms – Follows the orbiting large ships in a line, with sinusoid y variation
  • All ships avoid obstacles and terrain, as well as stay contained in the box. Ships will turn away from obstacles smartly based on their orientation and position in relation to the obstacle. Same for terrain.


  • Spacebar — Pause all actors (except camera spaceship)
  • Main Camera Mode:
    • Mouse-over edges — Rotate camera about the center of the box
    • Mouse-wheel — Zoom in and out
  • Spaceship Mode:
    • I — Thrust forward
    • I + WASD — Change direction

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Screenshot of a 3D collision detection project set in space.